Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell Fertilizer (4 lbs)

Neptune's Harvest Fertilizers
$35.23 USD $18.69 USD

Grow healthier and more vibrant plants with Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell Fertilizer, the all-natural and organic solution for vibrant gardens!

Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell Fertilizer: Nourish Your Plants Naturally

Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell Fertilizer is expertly crafted from ground crab shells, a rich source of calcium, chitin, and other essential nutrients. These components work synergistically to enhance plant growth, resilience, and overall vitality.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Promotes Strong Root Development: Calcium aids in strengthening cell walls, fostering robust root systems that anchor plants firmly and optimize nutrient absorption.
  • Enhances Nutrient Uptake: Chitin stimulates beneficial microbial activity in the soil, improving nutrient availability and promoting efficient uptake by plants.
  • Improves Soil Structure: The slow-release nature of crab shell fertilizer gradually releases nutrients over time, enhancing soil aeration and water retention.
  • Supports Plant Defense Mechanisms: Chitin strengthens plant cell walls, acting as a natural barrier against pests and diseases.
  • Encourages Earthworm Activity: Crab shell fertilizer attracts earthworms, which aerate the soil, improve drainage, and further enrich it with organic matter.

Additional Information:

  • Certified Organic by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
  • Suitable for all plant types
  • Easy-to-use granular form
  • Sustainably sourced from responsibly harvested crab shells

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