Trail Mix for Hiking: Cozy Farm's Guide to Gourmet Gorp

Trail Mix for Hiking: Cozy Farm's Guide to Gourmet Gorp

By Cozy Farm  •   2 minute read

Trail mix for hiking on mountains with snow

Embarking on a hike without the perfect trail mix is like setting out on a journey without a map. It's the snack that keeps adventurers moving, and at, we celebrate the art of creating the ultimate gorp (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts). Inspired by's "The Ultimate Trail Mix: 14 Hikers Share Their Recipes," we're here to share how you can elevate your trail mix game.

Trail mix on a table

Our Midwest Northener Trail Mix Student 

Crafting the Perfect Trail Mix


Whether you're trekking through the backcountry or enjoying a leisurely walk in the park, the right trail mix can make all the difference. Here's how to create your own:

Must haves for gorp trail mix


Ingredient Category Examples Benefits
Nuts Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts High in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Provide sustained energy.
Seeds Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Chia Seeds Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Dried Fruits Raisins, Dried Cranberries, Dried Apricots Offer natural sweetness and a quick energy boost. High in fiber.
Grains Granola, Whole Grain Cereals, Pretzels Add crunch and complex carbohydrates for long-lasting energy.
Sweet Components Dark Chocolate Chips, M&Ms, Dried Coconut Provide a quick energy boost and improve taste.
Savory Extras Pretzels, Wasabi Peas, Spicy Nuts Add variety in flavor and texture.
Protein Boosts Jerky Bits, Soybeans, Protein Puffs Enhance the protein content for muscle recovery.

Sweet Meets Savory

Combine the natural sweetness of Newman's Own Organics California Raisins with the savory goodness of Vermont Smoke and Cure Beef Stick BBQ for a trail mix that satisfies all your cravings.


Protecting Your Journey

Don't let bugs or sunburn spoil your adventure. Arm yourself with All Terrain Herbal Armor Natural Insect Repellent and your best sport sunscreen to stay protected no matter where the trail takes you.

The Spirit of Gorp

Trail mix is more than just food; it's a shared experience that brings hikers together. As the hikers in's article demonstrate, sometimes the best trail mix is one born from creativity and the resources at hand.

Visit Cozy Farm

Ready to embark on your next adventure with a delicious and nutritious trail mix? Visit Cozy Farm's Collection of Trail Mixes to find all the ingredients and gear you need. Let's make every outdoor experience unforgettable!



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